Plane ticket + Backpack = The next three months of my life

Friday, March 31, 2006

Does anyone know where Harrow Road is?

Well, I finally had a royal fuck-up in which I wrote down directions to a hostel that is NOT the hostel that I'm staying at and then traveled clear across London only to stand outside in the cold and wind at a six-way intersection wondering where the fuck I am. Why I wrote down directions to the wrong place, I'm not sure. But right now I'm at an Internet cafe getting new directions to the correct hostel and mentally preparing myself for a journey that will require three train transfers and numerous back-breaking slings of my thirty-pound backpack over my shoulder. I've been on and off trains for three or four hours now and my spine is ready to break and all I've eaten since breakfast is a pack of peanut M&Ms. I'm entering the part of my journey in which I'm not on my way to meet anyone I know and it might be a while before I come face-to-face with someone who can remember my name. I'm tired and thirsty and I have to pee and this backpack is fucking killing me but I haven't broken yet and I'm ready to grab London by the balls and tapdance all over its face.

SO. Wish me luck.


At 11:49 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good luck, man. Good luck.

Rooting for you all the way,
Sarah D.

At 12:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You can do it! The best experiences are usually when all does not go as planned. I hope you meet some more cool people at the next hostel. I miss you!

At 12:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Keep her going, Mary.

Love, Dad

At 12:15 PM, Blogger David said...

Mary, London is one of the easiest cities in the world to get lost in. I manage it at least once a year. Remember the cabbies go to school for like 75 years to learn their way around.

Getting lost can be fun though. I got lost walking home (after taking the wrong bus) 3 years ago and stumbled upon my old schoolyard at 2:30 in the morning. It was really spooky. I don't think I could have found it on purpose, but there I was looking at the sign for the school I'd gone to 32 years before. And I was miles away from where I was trying to go. (I walked home from Chelsea all the way to Bayswater.)

At 1:29 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shitty man. Pay attention to your back, seriously, and try to find a way to accomodate it. I'm living proof who's your age that back injuries can mess you up for a long time. okay, enough lecture. miss you!


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